If you're feeling overwhelmed read this

Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed nowadays

We share our wins on the internet but hide our problems

Online, everyone’s a winner making money, having abs and travelling the world.

You see yourself and think "bro, I barely know anything"

You start comparing and feeling like this isn't going to work

but hey listen

You can’t sit and compare yourself to others

  • You don’t know their backstory

  • You don’t know what they’ve worked on

  • You don’t know what’s true and isn’t

The reason you feel overwhelmed is because you’re fighting with all these assumptions in your head

But here’s the thing

If you’re trying to achieve something but you’re comparing yourself to others, consider this:

Have you:

  1. Given it time?

  2. Worked on it regularly (at least for a year or two)

  3. Reiterated and applied the learnings as you go on?

If you haven't done any of these yet you're not going to see progress
(and it isn't fair to expect progress either)

One way to overcome this feeling is to take action


  1. Have a schedule for your skill

  2. Have an outlet to practice your skill

  3. Get feedback from people who have access to that outlet

  4. Take feedback as “training” and use them as focus areas

  5. Apply those lessons and repeat 1-4

But Rainar, this sounds generic. It doesn’t work.


What if I told you that this comes from experience?

I’ve been writing online for almost 2 years now.

I’ve made a crapload of mistakes. Some of my past writing makes me wince.

However I wouldn’t reach my current level without following the steps above.

Here’s what it translates to -

  1. I write OR learn about writing everyday

  2. I apply them on tweets, my mails and this newsletter

  3. I get feedback from people of all levels be it people making millions online or work with me directly

  4. Keep in mind what they liked and take it as “data”

  5. Repeat 1-4

Why does this work?

The reps don’t show at first but you see changes (just like your body does after months of going to the gym)

Why most people don’t do it?

Because it’s boring 😁 

The best writers I know have done this for years

Fortunately, this isn’t limited to writing

Now you know what to do

Embrace the suck my friend

Until next time


p.s. Here’s an activity that can help reduce this feeling of being overwhelmed :