How to start eating healthy - no more momos 🥟(?)

presenting The 'Mindful March' Project - Day 2

Hi Friend

We all love a good plate of momos but I can’t deny that we have waaaaay more than what’s needed for us.

In today’s episode of the ‘Mindful March Project’ we reflect on food. No, this is not a diet plan or call for weight loss but a chance to reflect on what we eat.

Most of us look to food for comfort.

Want to rest on the weekends? Go out and eat good food
Tired after work? Order some Chinese.
Feeling lazy? Rip that packet of instant noodles.

(source: Your Name)

Don’t get me wrong I love Chinese food (and would eat it everyday if I could) BUT

We need to be a little conscious about what we eat


  • Good food improves mood and energy levles

  • Increases cognitive function 🧠

  • Better sleep quality and digestion

So, how do we do this?

Nutrition is a vast topic and I am not a certified expert by any means. The goal here is to make small changes so here’s what you can do:

Over the next 3 days, include one healthy meal/ snack and exclude one unhealthy item from your diet

Make sticky notes and paste them over your laptop, desktop and refrigerator if necessary

If it helps (and you want this as a lifestyle) here’s what works for me:

  1. Eat the same breakfast (but with variety)

    I eat eggs everyday (95% of the last 12 months)

    Have it plain/ cheesy/ scrambled/ spiced it doesn’t matter. The variety helps but the core ingredient is the same.

    This reduces the headache of deciding everyday (no decision fatigue) plus, the protein helps

  2. Eat 3 salads a week (week! not day)

Note: I still eat my share of sweets and fried food… although my next goal is to reduce that (my goal not yours)

As we read yesterday, its’ about what aligns with you right now.

Spend some time. Reflect, and reply what you’re changing

That’s it for day 2

Until tomorrow
