Reading 100 Books A Year - and 3 things for you

Reading makes you smart after all, or does it?

Reading 100 Books A Year

Hey friend 👋

You've seen those videos or tweets where reading the number of books in a year is a flex. I've seen people read 52 books a year, heck, even beyond 100. There might be some joy in doing so, but, if you're anything like me you're content reading a book well, and by well I mean -

  • Read it multiple times

  • Take notes and resurface them

  • Trust the book so much you gift it like Santa Claus

It's not about reading for the sake of it. It's about reading better - to learn, understand and apply.

There are a few books which stood the test of time. Those are worth rereading as opposed to consuming everything the internet recommends. The best way to pick what to read? Ask yourself "why should I be reading this book today?"

So if you're like me and have a stack of unread books, lay them out, ask "why this?", pick one based on your answer and start reading.

p.s. if you're looking for a new book to read I have one:

If Books Aren't Your Thing

Some friends of mine don't like books, but the internet is a treasure. Here are 3 things you might like in 3 different formats:

1 podcast, 1 video, 1 article

I found this graduation speech years ago, the same month I was graduating (timely) and the wit, humour and confidence in this video is hilarious.

(Do you tend to focus on negative details? Mental filtering is a cognitive distortion that leads us to magnify the negative details of a situation, while filtering out the positives. Click below to read more)

(Do you tend to focus on negative details? Mental filtering is a cognitive distortion that leads us to magnify the negative details of a situation, while filtering out the positives. This bias for dwelling on your shortcomings could lead you to focus on one piece of negative feedback, while disregarding or disbelieving the ten other positive comments received.)

I really hope you take something away from all this that you can apply to your own life, or if you just needed a break from a tiring week

All the best

Rainar xx