Our Biggest Mistake

And How To Overcome It

"Business is not hard because it's complicated. It's hard because people cannot stay focused on the same thing for a long period of time" - Alex Hormozi, The Game #457

Our Biggest Mistake

I am not changing the theme of my newsletter to business but what I learned from this episode of Alex Hormozi extends to a lot of things we do in life.

If you're like me, you have a lot of interests and want to pursue them all but sabotage yourself because you try to do everything at once.

The intention is noble:

Let me try different things and something will work.

The reality is, none of them will. However,

If you try one thing and stick with it, it will work.

"If you do one thing and you do it right, you can go a long way" Alex goes on to say in this episode, and honestly we need to do more of this.

How do we overcome this?

The simple answer is obvious - pick one thing and get better at it.

The complex question that follows is - what is that one thing?

At the surface level, it seems like everything we want to do is quite important. So differentiating what we truly want to do versus what we think we want to do is essential.

Let's understand the difference:

  1. What we truly want to do - a rule of thumb is, things we want to do intrinsically i.e. not motivated by the influence of others, or, a larger mass of people.

  2. What we think we want to do - being influenced by what everyone else around us is doing. By imitating those around us, we also tend to imitate their desires. This isn't the most favourable (for many reasons)

What I've observed in all the things I want to do is a common underlying theme. In my case -> Follow my curiosity, satisfy it and share those learnings with others.

What I used to find this underlying theme were the following questions:

  1. What would you do today if your 10 times more brave?

  2. What is stopping you from doing those things?

  3. Who decides those things? You or someone else?

(these were asked to me by my friend Chris Hewitt)


The answers to question 1 will have a common theme. They'll be inclined towards a specific behaviour -> this is what you truly want to do.


The answer to question 2 will help you cut the b.s. because we lie to ourselves. We often seen ourselves as the victim but the reality is we lack the mentality of ownership.


This is the key takeaway - the answer, unsurprisingly will be "you" who decides these things.

Now that you know what you want to do

This is where it truly begins - having cut through perceptions of what you thought you wanted vs. what you truly needed, you can now channel your energy on the things that truly matter.

You need to remember that:

  1. These things take time, but it is time well spent - so spend your energy on things that matter (which is why we identify what we truly want)

  2. Remember it's okay if you don't do these things. You will do great things and you should recognise that

I hope you figure out the things you want to do - these questions should be a good start. If you're feeling anxious, some deep breaths and a loosened posture help - Orrr just go for a walk.

Let me know how it goes (or if you need help)

Until then,

CheersRainar xx