Don't be an Ass

To be or not to be, that is NOT the question

Don't Be An Ass

Hi Friend

If you're like me, you've been in situations where there's just too much to do -

Too much to choose from, too much to consume, too much to eat, the list goes on 😩

I recall situations where I've spent close to an hour deciding what food to order or what movie to watch and ended up doing nothing. Turns out there's a paradox in philosophy which addresses the exact same thing - Buridan's Ass

Basically, there's an ass that is equally hungry and thirsty is placed between a stack of hay and a bucket of water. It dies of hunger and thirst as it cannot make a rational decision.

In today's world, being like this ass is a likely situation but one we must avoid. In an ideal world I'd say Don't be an ass but easier said than done.

How To Avoid The Decision Trap

To start with, there is no right or wrong answer here but it is something you build over time. It's a muscle we need to develop.

  • Prioritise in the moment: If you're hungry or thirsty, you know at this point fixing one is better than aiding both. Like the 100 odd decisions we have to make in life, we still need to choose one to start with. Doesn't matter which - just start. Drink or eat? Do either. One of them will save you or help achieve the other 🤷‍♂️

  • Follow your gut: In the misconception of rationality, we end up asking other people more often than we should. Sometimes it's best to isolate external influences and go with what works well for us.

So the next time you want to choose between Thai or Mexican, Sushi or Steak just pick one. (They're all great options anyway)

In the longer run, embracing boredom and cultivating mindfulness can prevent us from being in such situations but we'll touch upon those another time.

Speaking Of Time,

here's an interesting video I thought I'd share. It is something I tried long ago and will do again:

Tracking your time might sound tedious but the insights you get cannot be a better reality-check.

I really hope you take something away from all this that you can apply to your own life, or if you just need an interesting start to your week 🤗

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Have a good one

Rainar xx