Change In Direction

A year old now.

Change In Direction

Hey Friend 👋

Hope you've been well. I understand that life happens, priorities change and I'd like to remind you that it's okay.

I have some updates (and some wins) to celebrate, but first, I'd like to thank you for being part of my journey so far.

If this is my first mail to you, I'm grateful. Stick around because some great stuff is coming your way. For those who've been there for a while, we just finished a year since I bought my domain - thanks for being there from the start 🎉

Some lessons I've learned and want to share with you 🤗:

  1. Creating content is fun, but it takes time. So experiment, talk to people and make a lot of noise. Things happen!

  2. There is no 'hack', 'template' or 'rule' that you have to follow. It's a mix of different things. Feeling clueless? You WILL figure it out, one day at a time.

  3. Learn from the best, but don't sell your soul. Follow your curiosity, but learn from what worked well and didn't.

This isn't limited to being a creator. It's been applicable in my daily life. The most important thing to realise is you are trying your best. This doesn't mean you don't

- Take a break- Watch your favourite show- Eat your favourite food

Slowing down is essential, but so is striking the right balance. I hope you're doing okay. Until next time

Peace ✌

P.s. I've been writing less to focus on quality over quantity. Most of my work is on twitter. So if that's your jam feel free to say hi.