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- 3 Things That Prevented Me From Burning Down
3 Things That Prevented Me From Burning Down
(and how you can too)
We’re often hard on ourselves and kind to others
Because we don’t view things the same way.
As someone who has a lot of interests and pursuits this is a bad thing
Let me explain
I try to do too much in a day - Write, workout, work, engage, chores etc.
It’s just who I am (and I’m working on figuring out ways to be kinder to myself) but…
I made the mistake of not slowing down.
I thought I would be 'lazy' for not doing all these things in a day. Eventually fatigue (both mental and physical) will catchup taking its toll on things.
This isn’t the first time this as happened so I’m more prepared
What can you do in this situation? (I’m not the only one facing this, surely)
Ante Hamersmit on Unsplash
Downtime Is Key To A Sustainable Lifestyle
Downtime is essential, not an option.
You see, leisure is seen as a bad thing (but it’s not).
It’s a requisite, the same way sleep is necessary for muscles to recover and grow.
By ignoring downtime, there's a snowball effect of fatigue. Your performance and focus take a massive hit.
It's better to have 5 'B Grade days in a row' than two A+'s followed by 3 D's.
Here are 3 things I learned from a professional:
#1. Find Downtime In Your Day
Have some downtime in the morning (after morning routines, before work) AND in the night (after work, before sleep). This will help you sustain busy days and sleep well.
If you can’t do this everyday that’s fine.
We’re creatures of habit, but you’ll get there.
#2. Prioritize Your Habits
Some habits are more important than others. You would know what they are. Can't skip your run but can read on alternate days? Prioritize running over reading.
#3. Have A Focal Point
Have one habit that defines your other habits.
Ex: Wake up at 5AM. This is the one habit that is non negotiable as it sets the tone for the day
By following this habit you're setting a trigger for other habits. In this case, sleeping early, going for a run because you prefer the mornings and then beginning your days work.
I made the mistake of compromising downtime to more on days where I felt time ways less. This was not sustainable by any means. Now I know better.
Before you go…
I'd like to remind you that it all comes down to personal situations.
I don’t know your routine and things that you go through
What I do know is, taking a step back helps
Everything seems like it HAS to be done today but…
the moment you realise (and accept) that it’s not realistic, you come to terms that you have to do things one step at a time
As Seneca says, ““We suffer more often in imagination than in reality”
Until next time