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- 3 Powerful Lessons My "Girl"friends Taught Me
3 Powerful Lessons My "Girl"friends Taught Me
Hi Friend
I turned 27 earlier this month. As I look back on the blessings I've received in my life, I can confidently say it's the people in it who have had the most impact.
These 'people' are some of my closest friends ever and, surprisingly (or unsurprisingly?) they're majorly girls; ergo, 'girl'friends.
They've taught me lessons that have made me the man I am today. I owe a lot to them and the least I can do is share the lessons I have learned.
1. Sometimes All You Have To Do Is Listen
Listening, as a skill is underrated.
Everyone loves being listened to, and personally, this was something I struggled with for a fair portion of my life.
To be a great friend or partner, listening is key.
It's not about what solution you provide, what action you take or what money can buy. It's just about being there,listening,making them feel heard.
Offer a non-judgmental ear, without comparison and you've done more than most people.
I still find this amusing but if you look back into most people that have made you feel important or heard you will realise the common theme - they listened to you.
2. The Little Things Matter
You know how in every movie from the 90s and 2010s, the hero has to do something dramatic and drastic to stand out?
Yeah that's a movie for a reason, but life isn't a 3 hour reel. It's a series of several events. The more people spend time with you, the more they realise the person you are.
You can't spend every day doing something impressive. What really makes a difference therefore is the person you are.
The best (and worst) part of this all? You can't keep count. You can't think about it. Long story short, be a gentleman when you can (which should be almost always)
Some examples:
Open the door for people
Let the little stuff go - end an argument, don't initiate one
Admit you're an ass - it also makes for a great story
Accommodate wherever you can
Note: I am not saying be a doormat. There's a difference. I'll leave it to you to realise that.
3. Show Don't Tell
Actions speak louder than words. A statement I've heard since kindergarten, but never quite understood.
It seems obvious - what you DO, shows more than what you TELL.
Sometimes you really want people to know what you've done. After all, you HAVE put in the effort and no one noticed.
The plot twist: people notice everything. They choose to appreciate it when the time is right.
(between you and me, I'm getting better but it can be trying at times haha)
The easiest way to do this is, doing things without any expectation. Ironically, that's not easy to do but it's the easiest way to do it. Do things with a return in mind and you will be disappointed.
That disappointment will trigger you to use it as a card.
Doesn't end well. Trust me. I know.
Show. Don't tell.
Fortunately for you (and me), life isn't an exam where you need to get it right all the time. The little things matter after all 😁
I'm glad for all the people who have moulded me into who I am today (and continue to be there)
Hope you found these useful - they are not hacks. They are way of living.
Until next time,
CheersRainar xx